
Sunday, October 12, 2008

Your Essential Eye Care Tips

The eye is an important part of the body. It is likewise said to be the window to one’s soul. With the advent of modern technology, computers and other technological gadgets are nowadays widely available. However, the abuse in the use of these technological accessories often leads to the problems that deal with one’s eyesight.

So, how should you take care of your eyes to guarantee good eyesight?

Getting Rid of Tired Eyes

Nevertheless, an unhygienic setting worsens the deterioration phase of the eye. This should then drive you to concert a valuable effort to ensure that you properly take care of your own eyes. After all, they are said to be the strongest among your senses. The following are the important tips for caring for your eyes which you need to follow.

In case of the formation of the dark circles under the eyes, a good tip to follow is placing two slices of potatoes over the eyes. Leave them for around 20 minutes. The results likewise appear in no time at all.

An alternative to the use of potatoes is the use of warm tea bags. Leave the tea bag over the eyes for about 15 minutes. This is similarly another effective method which you can trust.

After a long and hard day, your mind and body get drained off energy. And such feeling shows through your eyes. In order for you to refresh them, squeeze out ice water from the cotton pads and then place them over the eyelids for approximately 20 minutes. You will then feel a soothing and calming effect to the eyes.

You can therefore try the traditional remedy which concerns the use of slices of cucumber onto the eyelids. These are best used when taking a hot bath or simply relaxing for quite some time.

Most importantly, don’t sleep with your makeup on. Wash your face before bedtime especially those that are within the eye area. Washing off the makeup allows your skin to breathe.

Other Eye Care Tips for You

Through all of the electronic and visual appliances and elements that totally pose an effect on the eyes, it is but very important that you know of the ways on how to keep away this integral organ away from damages. The rays of these electronic gadgets can harm your sensitive eyes, so to speak.

For one, sitting in front of the television set for long hours or watching a book gives you the tired eyes look. Overworking your eyes is never a sensible idea. It is essential that you spare at least a couple of minutes to rest them. Here are some other eye care tips which you must keep in mind.

Give your eyes ample time to rest.

Wear sunglasses to keep your eyes away from direct exposure to sunlight.

Regularly wash your eyes using cold and clean water.

Do some eye exercises.

Use a couple of eye drop products which contain minerals.

Protect your eyes from dust particles.

Eat vegetables and fruits which promote good eyesight.

You are only endowed with one pair of eyes. Thus, do your best to take care of it.

The Importance of a Healthy Diet

Picture this: The year is 2030 and you’re at the annual family reunion. It’s you and 99 of your dearest loved ones. Glancing around, you see people laughing, dancing, and barbequing. Then you notice something that isn’t so rosy. Only 14 people out of the entire bunch are at a healthy weight. Think having 86% of your extended family labeled as fat is farfetched? It isn’t. A recent study at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health is projecting that 86% of Americans will be either overweight or obese by the year 2030. What can be done to prevent you and your family from becoming part of that 86%? The easiest step toward weight loss is healthy nutrition. And one of the best healthy eating tips is as simple as opening up a healthy recipe book.
Healthy nutrition is something that nearly everyone has access to and can easily incorporate into their lifestyle. The National Cancer Institute reports on their website that the number of obesity-related cancer deaths is at a staggering 14% for men and 20% for women. Furthermore it has been shown that, weight loss, fueled by healthy nutrition, is a key component in the prevention of cancer. Obesity is attributed to a number of cancers, including breast, ovarian, and colon cancer.
According to the American Heart Association, an estimated one-third of Americans are living with high blood pressure. Kidney disease, stroke, and heart disease are all complications that can arise from having high blood pressure. To combat these risks, you should be consuming a diet that is low in cholesterol, sodium, saturated fat, and trans fat. When preparing your meals, include plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, and lean meats. High blood pressure isn’t the only thing that can lead to stroke and heart disease. High cholesterol is another killer.
Healthy eating tips that will help lower your cholesterol include: eating at least 25 grams of fiber a day, limiting alcohol consumption to one or two glasses daily, and reducing your intake of trans and saturated fats. The modern American diet creates a daily dose of toxins in our system.
Poor nutrition can cause poor digestion. When this occurs toxins build up in our bodies. Over time your liver weakens, it can't do it's job. When your liver is weaken chemicals and poisons pass unchecked into your bloodstream,to your brain,heart,lungs,bones reproductive organs,literally every organ and cell in your body. At this point you get diseases.
You can safely detox your body and feel better with healthy nutrition. To change your diet, your first purchase should be a healthy recipe book. It is a must-have if you are serious about healthy nutrition and weight loss! Having a healthy recipe book at your fingertips makes it easy to identify nutritious foods that act as natural remedies for common illnesses.

Reduce Cancer Risk

Cancer is now the leading cause of death globally. It is estimated that cancer will kill 84 million people in the next ten years. While the causes of cancer are complex, it is well known that that certain things can lower the risk of getting it. The most important recommendations are to avoid toxins and eat healthy foods. Nature foods has many nutrients that are known to help protect against cancer.

Studies have shown that Sterol/Sterolins and Omega 3, 6 and 9 can increase natural killers (NK) cell activity and act as a potent immunomudulator for the treatment and restoration of immune dysfunction.

Gamma Oryzanol (Ferulic acid) is know to be anti-mutagenic. Inositol, IP6, Polyphenol, Fiber, Tocotrienols and Antioxidants are all known to be anti-carcinogenic. Polyphenols and Tocotrienols have been shown to inhibit Phase 1 microsomal enzymes, and the lipoprotein fraction of nature foods has been shown to inhibit abnormal cell prolifeation.

Numerous epidemilogic studies reported an association between high fiber intake and reduced incidence of colon cancer and breast cancer. A 1992 study by Harvard Medical School found that men who consumed only 12 grams of fiber a day were twice as likely to develop precancerous colon changes as men whose daily fiber intake was about 30 grams. Scientist theorize that insoluble fiber adds bulk to stool, which in turn dilutes carcinogens and speeds their transit through the lower intestines and out of the body.

12 studies found a link between high fiber intake and reduced risk of breast cancer. In the early stages, some breast tumors are stimulated by estrogen circulating in the blood stream. Scientist believe that fiber may hamper the growth of these tumors by binding with estrogen in the intestine, preventing it from being reabsorbed into the bloodstream.

IP6 has been shown to exhibit significant anti-cancer activity and to inhibit tumor cell growth in colon, intestinal, and liver cancers. Carotenoids (including the Alpha Carotene, Beta Carotene, Lutein, Lycopene, Zeaxanthin and Precrytoxanthin/Crypthoxanthin found in nature foods) offer powerful protection against many different types of cancer. Lycopene in particular has been associated with lower rates of prostate cancer.

Pangamic Acid (B15) has shown to have a unique ability to release a type of cyanide only at cancer sites, thereby destroying cancer cells while at the same time, nourishing non-cancerous tissue.

Sterols and sterolins (found in plants) are great immune supporters. They help the immune system to stop cancer, kill bacteria, destroy viruses and slow down the aging process. They have also been shown to keeep patients infected with the HIV virus from developing AIDS.

When a person has a weakend immune system, even a simple cold or flu can esclate and becoming a life threatening illness. Having a strong immune system is the best defense against illness and disease.

One of the most important nutrients CoQ10 which is a immune booster routinely recommended as part of people suffering from cancer such as cardiovascular disease, Muscular Dystrophy, periondontal Disease and many more.

Nutritionally strengthening and supporting the immune system is essential, especially after the age 50 because the body's natural defenses decline with age.

Delayed Cancer Diagnosis – How Will it Effect You?

It has been stated that one in three people will develop a form of Cancer at some point within their lives, making it one of the most prolific diseases that we are now seeing. Due to this doctors have to be highly aware of the possibility of Cancer when making a diagnosis.

The importance of an early diagnosis when it comes to Cancer cannot be emphasised enough; in many cases an early diagnosis is the difference between life and death. An early diagnosis is also the deciding factor on your life expectancy. Early diagnosis is crucial regardless of what type of Cancer you have; this is especially true in the case of lung, ovarian and stomach Cancer as they have a much lower mortality rate if they receive a prompt diagnosis.

Sadly some people aren’t treated as early as they should be. There are many reasons for this such as a patient didn’t think anything of their symptoms and dismissed them as something else so they didn’t bother going and seeing their doctor. Also many people go to their doctor with symptoms but these symptoms are similar to another disease with the same symptoms so they could easily be dismissed. All of these are common human error but it is important that a doctor goes down all avenues when they are diagnosing you.

An example of why it is so important to catch any form of cancer early is people who are diagnosed with ovarian cancer at the earliest stage they have a 92% to 93% of a five year survival but this can quickly be reduced to 11% or 12% if the cancer has seriously advanced.

An example of when a diagnosis goes beyond simple human error is if a smoker goes to see a doctor with a cough and the doctor merely puts it down to the fact that they smoke. This is completely unacceptable as a cough is one symptom of lung cancer. In a case such as this the doctor should have examined the matter further and investigated the possibility of lung cancer, if for nothing else than to rule it out.

There are many different types of cancer so in order to make an accurate diagnosis you need a medical professional to correctly interpret your symptoms and by looking at your test results thoroughly. Failure to accurately diagnose allows the cancer to spread and grow, which can be at an alarming rate depending on where the cancer is and how advanced or aggressive it is.

If a cancer diagnosis is failed to be made then your correct treatment will be delayed, which will increase your chance of dying from the disease; however this problem can also be turned around, which basically means that if a doctor makes a diagnosis of cancer and there is no cancer present then this can cause a person a lot of unnecessary emotional suffering and shock and it may even lead to them receiving the incorrect treatment. Any situation such as this will be viewed as a form of medical negligence.

If you feel that you have suffered from medical negligence in the past three years due to actions that were taken or actions that were failed to be taken when it comes to your Cancer diagnosis then you could be entitled to make a claim for compensation.

Thousands of men and women across the UK have already claimed the compensation that they deserve after being involved in some form of a medical negligence claim, now it’s your turn so get in touch with a legal team today to find out where you stand with making a claim for compensation.

Uses For Photodynamic Therapy

Cosmetic treatments have come a long way in a relatively short period of time. Today, many of the procedures that are done in this area do not require traditional surgical methods to complete. With the advent of many skin resurfacing treatments and the introduction of laser surgery, conventional surgical methods are much less common than they once were. The good news is that current procedures are being refined all the time to make them less invasive and more effective. In addition, new treatments are being introduced all the time.

Photodynamic therapy is one of the newest treatments used for cosmetic purposes today. This therapy combines the use of specialized light sources with medications that sensitize the body to receive the light treatment most effectively. The process of this treatment is threefold. First, administer the medication either topically or intravenously. Second, allow an incubation period for the medication to take effect, which can range from a few minutes to a few hours. Once the medication has properly sensitized the body to the light, the treatment can begin. There are different types of light that can be used for photodynamic therapy, including light-emitting diodes (LEDs), blue light, red light and lasers. The type of light used will be determined by the type of treatment that is being administered.

There are many uses for this new photodynamic therapy. One of the first functions of this procedure was for cancer treatment. Currently this therapy is used to treat certain types of lung cancer, esophageal cancer and pre-cancerous conditions found in the esophagus known as Barrett's syndrome. It can also be effective in removing cancer and pre-cancerous lesions found on the skin. In addition, this therapy is currently being studied for use in treating cervical cancer, prostate cancer and some types of brain cancer.

On the dermatology front, in addition to treating pre-cancerous skin conditions, this therapy can also be used on acne, psoriasis and rosacea. It has been used on warts, scars and wrinkles with some success as well. It has not been shown to be particularly effective in removing birthmarks or moles. The type of treatment that is being conducted helps the doctor know what type of light to use, how long the sessions need to be and how frequently treatments should be repeated.

Photodynamic therapy is beneficial to the patient on many levels. First, this treatment has proven to be a highly effective means of treating many diseases and conditions that do not necessarily respond will to other forms of treatment. Risk and side effects are fairly minimal and may include some pain and redness in the area. However, this therapy is still very new to the medical community, and it is difficult to predict what the long term effects of these treatments might be.

Photodynamic therapy is quickly gaining popularity with patients and the medical community alike, which is making it easier to find clinics and doctors that are equipped to handle this procedure correctly. If you have any of the conditions listed above, it might be worth talking to your doctor about whether this therapy is the right choice for you.

Malignant Neoplasm; Cancer

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death not only in the United States but also around the world. Cancer is defined as class of diseases that is caused by a group of cells to have uncontrolled growth, the potential to spread throughout the body and to invade surrounding tissues and organs. The difference between malignant tumors and benign tumors are that benign tumors do not spread and do not invade surrounding tissue and organs. Benign tumors are self-limited.

Cancer can affect anyone. That is anyone of any age, any race and any background. The majority of cancers are more likely to develop in people as the people increase in age. 13 percent of all deaths worldwide are caused by cancer and according to the American Cancer Society, 7.6 million people died from cancer in the year 2007. Cancer is one of the world’s deadliest diseases and cannot be prevented. It can be treated to an extent. There has yet to be a cure developed for cancer.

Cancer is caused by tobacco smoke, chemicals, infectious agents and radiation. Cancer can be detected through CT Scans, blood tests, MRIs, x-rays and biopsies. A biopsy entails the testing of a piece of skin or organ by a pathologist. The pathologist tests the piece of skin or organ for cancerous cells and their histological grade. Cancer can be detected by the detection of lumps or swelling, random bleeding, pain, ulcers, jaundice, weight loss, poor appetite, night sweats, fatigue and anemia. Symptoms of cancer after the disease has been diagnosed are metastasis (spreading), constant cough, bone pain, an enlarged liver, fractures and enlarged lymph nodes.

Cancer is treatable through surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and immunotherapy. Surgery is used to remove a tumor, if it is on an organ that is operable, and will hopefully get the entire tumor before it spreads to other areas of the body. If the tumor is located in an inoperable area then the treatment will be chemotherapy; which will shrink and hopefully kill off the tumor completely before it begins to spread throughout the body.

There are a couple of ways to try and prevent developing cancer. Such methods are having a proper diet, cancer screenings and taking vitamins on a daily basis. One major player in the development of cancer is being obese. Eating a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy body weight will help in the prevention of cancer. Cancer screenings are used to detect cancer in its early stages; its infancy. If cancer is detected other procedures can be used to confirm the presence of cancer. Those other procedures are surgery and biopsies. Early detection can lead to a longer life.

There are hundreds of forms of cancer known to man today. Some of the most common are lung, colon, thyroid, lymphoma (various types), leukemia (various types), melanoma, oral, pancreatic, testicular, throat and vaginal cancer. Not all cancers are deadly because the majority of them, if detected early, can be controlled with chemotherapy, surgery and radiation.

Liver Function and Detox For Health

The liver is a reddish brown organ weighing in at about 3 to 5 lbs., resides under the diaphragm on the right hand side of the body, and has many functions. It has two large arteries, the heptic artery, which has the job of carrying oxygen rich blood from the heart into the liver, and the portal vein that carry’s out the blood with digested foods.

The liver is one of the hardest working organs in the body, and excellent liver health means wellbeing, an overstressed liver however, means ill health and potential poor quality of life.

Its functions are:

1. Filters harmful toxins, chemicals, preservatives, alcohol etc. The liver is the main line of defense against poisons entering and damaging our system.
2. Turns glucose into glycogen which is fuel for your body. Some glycogen is used immediately and the rest may be stored in fat to be used at a later date. It processes protein and fats from digested foods and makes it available for transportation through the blood, which also includes proteins used to make beneficial clotting (such as for cuts and scrapes). - The liver also produces bile which further enhances the digestive process and waste products are carried away.
3. The liver also is a place of storage for vitamins such as B, A, D and K for use as needed. - It is the major producer of cholesterol and triglycerides which are necessary for all then tissues of the body. Most cholesterol we get is from consuming animal fats but when we do not receive dietary cholesterol; our liver makes it and then distributes it to the bloodstream for transportation throughout the body. - The liver also produces immune factors for the body that assist in removing bacteria from the blood, enhancing our resistance to infections.

Symptoms of a sluggish liver:

- chronic fatigue
- jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes)
- frequent headaches - sleep disorders, nightmares
- dizziness
- hot flashes
- hormonal imbalances
- bloating of the stomach
- smelly diarrhea
- chronic constipation
- gallstones
- skin problems
- weak eye sight

There are many reasons a liver can become over burdened. We live in a world today where toxins are everywhere. There are literally hundreds of FDA approved chemicals, pesticides, fungicides, preservatives, MSG and now genetically modified foods. Processed food is so prevalent in north America’s daily diet that there is absolutely no wonder why we have such an obesity problem.
We are also bombarded with petro chemicals every single time a car, truck or bus etc., passes by us. Living in any city makes it impossible to get away from inhalation of these toxins.

Then there is industrial smoke that plumes out on a daily basis. Anyone living near one of these huge stacks will tell you that when the wind blows in their direction, the smell is definitely present.
Our water sources are also cause for some of the toxins our bodies absorb with chlorine and in some places, fluoride. In some states, they have to deal with toxins reaching underground water (the aquifer) from chemicals used on golf courses etc. It may look pretty but the environmental effects are very evident.
The point is, we live in a toxic environment and unless you are eating organic and live in the wilderness far away from mainstream life, you can benefit from periodic detoxing, especially the hardworking liver.

Some things you can do to unburden the liver are:

- Reduce stress in your environment
- Start your day with lemon juice in warm water, then eat fruit and drink non sugary juices.
- Make sure you eat salads and veggies at lunch.
- Drink a lot of water throughout the day. You can also get some of your water intake through herbal teas. They have beneficial anti-oxidants and depending on what kind you get, some have calming properties, detox properties etc.
- Get enough fiber in your diet. Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of fiber.
- Get at least 15 minutes of sunshine per day.
- Get yourself more exposure to negative ions.

These are present in nature, in forests, at the beach, and in the country. In short, get out of the city whenever you can. If you cannot get out of the city, consider getting an ion generator of some kind. Negative ion therapy is great for helping one detox and rebalance the body, plus negative ions gives you that feeling of wellbeing.

Why is it Important to Detoxify Your Liver

Our liver plays a vital role in most of the metabolic processes especially detoxification. It goes through various complex chemical reactions and detoxifies all the harmful substances in it. It becomes critically important to protect the liver and keep it detoxified of all the micro-organisms.

Today almost fifty percent of people are suffering from fatty livers. This is commonly seen in the people of the age over fifty. The healthy liver helps converting all these fat soluble toxins into water soluble substances which are further excreted through urine out of the body. It may be changed into bile useful in digestion as per the chemical characteristics of the end product. These toxic chemicals are mainly far soluble i.e. soluble in oily or fatty substances solely and not in water. It is difficult for the body to excrete such products as it is. And the liver helps in doing so.

Causes for liver detoxification:

Poor diet is the main cause for liver detoxification. Other reasons may be excessive alcohol intake, reactions of various drugs and toxic chemicals or viral hepatitis. Do not intake food prepared in unhealthy conditions and by the people who have various bacteria, viruses and parasites on their body. Especially meat that is not fresh is the bundle of such germs which can harm your liver badly.

Ways to detoxify liver:

The liver filter helps you be free of various micro-organisms as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites from the blood stream. It is greatly essential as you’ll not want all these harmful things to enter your body and harm it. Although these may enter your body through various sources but it is mainly through unclean water in most of the cases. So, to keep yourself safe, boil water at least for 5 minutes before consumption or drink bottled water.

The fatty tissues of the body may keep on adding various toxins from years which are only released during exercising or fasting. It is very crucial to dissolve them to keep your liver detoxified but you may experience headaches, stomach pain, nausea, dizziness, fatigue and palpitations while doing so. Otherwise it may result in poor health and various chronic infections in long run. You may also discover cancer due to unhealthy liver. Your liver is very important to having a healthy immune system. This is the main reason why it is important to keep the liver detoxified.

Keep your intestines moving regularly and intake high fiber food to sweep off the walls. Change your dietary plan time to time adding certain nutrient supplements and helping your liver to function better always. There are certain natural compounds found in food which are strongly ‘lipotropic’ i.e. can hugely remove fat from your liver. Amino acid methionine called Sadenosyl Methionine protects liver from various harmful chemicals. It is essential to be passed through the liver to make it detoxified and to function in a natural manner. It also increases the bile flow which is essential for the digestion of fats and for fat absorption as well.

So, to avoid any chronic illness and to improve over all body functioning keep your liver detoxified by consuming healthy food.