
Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Importance of a Healthy Diet

Picture this: The year is 2030 and you’re at the annual family reunion. It’s you and 99 of your dearest loved ones. Glancing around, you see people laughing, dancing, and barbequing. Then you notice something that isn’t so rosy. Only 14 people out of the entire bunch are at a healthy weight. Think having 86% of your extended family labeled as fat is farfetched? It isn’t. A recent study at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health is projecting that 86% of Americans will be either overweight or obese by the year 2030. What can be done to prevent you and your family from becoming part of that 86%? The easiest step toward weight loss is healthy nutrition. And one of the best healthy eating tips is as simple as opening up a healthy recipe book.
Healthy nutrition is something that nearly everyone has access to and can easily incorporate into their lifestyle. The National Cancer Institute reports on their website that the number of obesity-related cancer deaths is at a staggering 14% for men and 20% for women. Furthermore it has been shown that, weight loss, fueled by healthy nutrition, is a key component in the prevention of cancer. Obesity is attributed to a number of cancers, including breast, ovarian, and colon cancer.
According to the American Heart Association, an estimated one-third of Americans are living with high blood pressure. Kidney disease, stroke, and heart disease are all complications that can arise from having high blood pressure. To combat these risks, you should be consuming a diet that is low in cholesterol, sodium, saturated fat, and trans fat. When preparing your meals, include plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, and lean meats. High blood pressure isn’t the only thing that can lead to stroke and heart disease. High cholesterol is another killer.
Healthy eating tips that will help lower your cholesterol include: eating at least 25 grams of fiber a day, limiting alcohol consumption to one or two glasses daily, and reducing your intake of trans and saturated fats. The modern American diet creates a daily dose of toxins in our system.
Poor nutrition can cause poor digestion. When this occurs toxins build up in our bodies. Over time your liver weakens, it can't do it's job. When your liver is weaken chemicals and poisons pass unchecked into your bloodstream,to your brain,heart,lungs,bones reproductive organs,literally every organ and cell in your body. At this point you get diseases.
You can safely detox your body and feel better with healthy nutrition. To change your diet, your first purchase should be a healthy recipe book. It is a must-have if you are serious about healthy nutrition and weight loss! Having a healthy recipe book at your fingertips makes it easy to identify nutritious foods that act as natural remedies for common illnesses.

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