
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Defining Better Health Care

Our world and its environment already has adverse conditions, that many people can identify with, exposure to pollutants through water food and air, the extreme weather conditions, clinically undesirable HIV infection, irregular palpitation from substances abuse, adverse cardiovascular reactions to over active indulgency, unemployment and homelessness, mental health and the quality of decent lifestyle, unidentifiable related exposure to the occult and extreme behavior, mutating disease and adverse effect, which increases the risk of heart disease in stroke and death.

Modern unhealthy lifestyle means we are no nearer to eternal youth than our predecessors were, Despite every effective remedy and cost effective diagnostic treatments that we are privilege to have woven into the infrastructure of our modernistic society, our unhealthy habits have targeted high blood pressure levels, and the cure for cancer and other colostomy complications are very rarely reached, millions find themselves in this painful category, even though the price of medication has become affordable in most countries, the cost of medication is not an issue, rather, it's the recovery process which is still playing catch up. Government from time to time speedily rushes through legislations which please themselves and the democratic process, on face value, caring very little for citizen's rights, privileges and health, rightly assimilating National Security, by adopting a zero tolerance and taking no chances with the shadow of terrorism, nor supporting anything below the standards of human rights, with we mostly are all in agreement with, but they have omitted the weightier matters of prevention, cause and cure. Take blood pressure for instance it is a like bargain within the brain sending acute messages to the kidneys and other blood vessels, a lot of streams flow from the brain to water different parts of the body, likewise this is a theory of mine, that high blood pressure may lie within the brain, rather than with problems relating directly to the heart, kidneys or blood vessels, and we need to find new ways of treating the condition. And I am a great believer that we can help ourselves in a perfectly normal way.

Blood pressure is pump around the body by the forceful thrust of the heart, and is measure by two numbers; the first figure is the maximum pressure in the arteries when the heart beats and pushes blood out into the body, the second figure is the minimum pressure in the arteries between beats when the heart relaxed to be filled with blood, the maximum pressure is always listed first, then the minimum pressure a typical normal blood pressure reading may look something like 110/70 elevated maximum and minimum pressure.

High Blood pressure which causes strain on the arteries may result in increase of severe heart attack, possible disease and stroke. What are some of the main causes of high blood pressure? And I want to cover briefly how to avoid the risk factor of heart disease, stroke and kidney failure, and you may ask yourself, what can I do to stabilize elevated blood pressure levels, well first of all, Some of the most common areas are resulted in family history, your progressing age, smoking and your diet, including alcohol intake, over indulgence of salt and the complete lack of physical exercise, overweight and other medical problems, blood pressure symptoms may go on unnoticed for a long time, until it causes a major blow requiring immediate treatment, it is important therefore and essential that a person gets regular check to detect any change in blood pressure, Naturally the older a person gets the more prone they become to certain illness. The symptoms of elevated blood pressure may not be noticeable at first, but very severe hypertension symptoms can cause headache, drowsiness and confusion, however, your lifestyle will soon have to change after you have consulted with your doctor, but lifestyle may not be the only change that Has to be made in order to reduce high blood pressure, you will need medical treatment, and if left untreated it could result in severe complications.

Your health is the most important gift in life so treasure it well; give yourself the best possible chance for recovery. And reduce the risk of blood pressure. Too much alcohol can raise blood pressure levels, even though individuals with hypertension can reduced their risk of a heart attack by having a drink each day, but with alcohol there is a fine line between the benefits and the side effects, in actual practice and prevention warning there is a risk element in alcohol consumption, and further to that warning, alcohol should never be mixed with medication it will soon become a recipe for disaster and can fatal consequences, it needs to be made clear that alcohol is not a medicine but can act as a stimulant in limited circumstances, moderate alcohol consumption has in the past proven to actually reduce the risk of heart attack even if a person has had high blood pressure, and some individuals are more healthy than none drinkers. But also remember that drinking to dangerous excess levels carries serious health risks. However sociable you may feel, always be practical and act responsible this will keep your brain still in check.

By increasing the levels of cholesterol and possible thinning the blood, moderate alcohol could decrease the risk of heart attack, but to make serious impact upon your lifestyle with healthy living, there are a few basic advisory instruction that you may be advantageous to you, If you are keen to go further and have a grand desire to improve your heart rate, keep blood pressure low, my dispensing health advice is to avoid smoking, eat a well planned balanced diet, steam retains ninety per cent of the goodness in food so be especially careful about the spicy seasoning and take very little salt and saturated fat with your meals, help yourself more effectively by participating with regular physical exercise.

Some suggestion for reducing your blood pressure and prevent further complications are straight forward, but may require a little personal and physical effort on your side, two areas that I personally partake in are healthy dieting, by eating a well balance diet, this gives me a sharp edge, and not over indulging with junk food or salty products, physical exercise is a must, for the past twenty years I taken part in charity races and fund raising for various charity organization, it's a great way to stay healthy, regular exercise also reduces stress and gives me a real sense of achievement in my life, not to mention the comrades that you meet, so just those two suggestion alone will give you a great start, then of course you could cut down on alcohol and smoking, frankly smoking should be band from all public places and individuals could go further and make a personal pledge to kick the habit.

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